I'm definitely feeling my hormones being hi-jacked the past few weeks. I like to pride myself on being a pretty even-keel person. ESPECIALLY for a woman. Jason will even agree with me. I'm usually really laid back. Easy to please. Don't get upset easily. Pretty much drama-free. Ok, I will admit I have one weakness in this area though; when I'm tired I'm cranky. So with being tired while pregnant that crankiness has increased. But then I usually just go to bed and all is well.
Lately though, I've noticed my even-keeled(ness) has been not so even. There was one night I flipped from one emotion to the next like it was a deck of cards. Jason and I were watching "What Would You Do?"and the scenario was a teenage red-headed boy in a restaurant and there were other (jerkface) teenage boys picking on him. I've realized that's my hot button. People who bully other people for things they can't control. So of course I was choking back tears and felt like I had swallowed a pear whole. Then Jason (mostly just to get to me) started to make comments about how the kid deserved it, he would kick him too, and how it would just toughen the kid up. I went from heartbroken, to breaking bones. This happened about 126,356,938 times in the hour duration of the show. But not for a second did I let it show on my face or let Jason know it. Because I knew it was all irrational and all babymotions. So aat the end of the show, I kissed my husband goodnight, went behind closed doors and cried to the Lord for my emotions I couldn't control. But, as ridiculous as this sounds...it gets better. (or worse)
This next scenario has happened to me twice since being pregnant. How many times has this happened in my life before pregnancy you ask? Let me answer that question. I think three times in all 2(cough)8 years. This past weekend I had some of my closest girls over for a little girls night in. We were playing a game where you make up scenarios to a certain question. The question was "What should not be lumpy?" Well I thought of one of my friends most unfavorite word...and before I even wrote it, I started laughing at how angry she was going to be when my card was read. And that laughing was uncontrollable. And it turned into outright crying. And I'm not talking a couple tears and some sobs...I'm talking crying that involved rivers of tears cascading down my face. Then laughing. Then crying. And I COULD. NOT. STOP. IT. As funny as that was, it was almost even funnier watching the faces of the girls that completed the circle around me. Their faces went from amused every time I laughed, to genuinely concerned every time I cried, to amused, to concerned. Which of course made me laugh/cry even harder. Oh man, the wonderful joys of pregnant emotions.
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